2024 European PVPMC – Copenhagen, Denmark

2024 European PVPMC Workshop

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Day 1: Wednesday August 21, 2024

Joshua Stein and Adam JensenSandia National Laboratories and Denmark Technical University

1. Monitoring and Underperformance

Diagnosis of under-performing power plants using SolarGEMINI (35 downloads) Clara FernandezDNV
Oversizing & Grid Constrains Impacts in PV Modelling and KPI Guarantees (28 downloads) Giuliano Luchetta MartinsStatkraft
Estimation of Energy Losses Due to Tracker Deviations in PV Plants Based on Monitoring Data (27 downloads) Julien Deckx3E
Modern Day Asset Management - Challenges and Solutions  (23 downloads) Constantinos Peonides MEGGITT & Solora & Ivo StroekenMEGGITT & Solora
Monitoring and Underperformance Predictive Analytics for Different PV Technologies on the Utility-Scale Level (24 downloads) Juergen SutterlütiGantner Instruments
From Data to Actions: Case Studies on Closed-Loop PV Operations (25 downloads) Julian Ascencio VasquezUnivers

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2. Modeling

Implementing Sub-Hourly Clipping Corrections in PVsyst (30 downloads) Michele OliosiPVsyst
The Importance of Sub-Hourly Input Data in PV Systems Simulation Using Satellite-Based Solar Model Data (25 downloads) Jozef RusnakSolargis
PV Atlas Project Update (23 downloads) Kevin AndersonSandia National Laboratories
Meteonorm Version 9 (26 downloads) Jan RemundMeteotest AG
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Laura Lizarazo (ICREA) Poster Award Winner.

3. Poster Session

Refining Wind-Solar Hybrid Plant Production Estimates with Sub-Hourly Time Series Data (244 downloads) Luis ReisCDV Desenvolvimento
High temporal and spatial resolution simulation of hybrid photovoltaic and concentrating solar power (254 downloads) Ildefonso MuñozCENER
Comparison of Satellite Databases and Ground Measurements for Estimating Relevant Climatic Variables in Photovoltaic Production in Columbia (249 downloads) Laura LizarazoICREA
Validation of the Optimal Performance Assessment Methodology for Photovoltaic Plants in the Context of EPC Contracts in Columbia (240 downloads) Rafael Avila NaranjoICREA
How many buildings we need at once? Depends what we want to focus on! (185 downloads) Susanne WeyandMines Paris
Polar coordinates for I-V single-diode modeling SMALL tweak, BIG impact (183 downloads) Carlos Cárdenas-BravoUSMB/CEA
Shaded fraction and backtracking in single-axis trackers on rolling terrain (189 downloads) Adam JensenDenmark Technical University
SolarStations.org How to find the nearest solar radiation monitoring station? (202 downloads) Ioannis SifnaiosDenmark Technical University
Benchmarking Models for IV Curves of Bifacial PV Modules and Strings (20 downloads) Martin BartholomäusDenmark Technical University
Power Trend Assessment of a Large Worldwide PV Dataset (21 downloads) Bernat NicolauDNV
Best Practices Handbook for the Collection and Use of Solar Resource Data – 4th Edition (23 downloads) Jan RemundMeteotest

4. PV Modeling Derates

Evaluation of Snow Losses in a Vertical Agrivoltaic and Ground-Mounted Fixed-Tilt Bifacial PV Systems (22 downloads) Silvia Ma LuMälardalen University
A Hybrid PV Snow Loss Model Combining Deep Learning and Analytical Models (24 downloads) Shuo WangTurku University of Applied Sciences
Analyzing Performance and Refining the Wiring of an Underperforming Solar Power Plant (20 downloads) Žiga MikličUniversity of Ljubljana
Inverter Based Power Loss Detection Due to Inverter Downtime and Snow Conditions (20 downloads) Nikola HreljaTotal Energies
PVRADAR: New Python Library for Soiling Modeling (23 downloads) Thore MüllerPVRADAR Labs GmbH
Prediction of Soiling on PV Sites and Adaptation of Cleaning Strategies Using Machine Learning (16 downloads) Yaman Al-RiyalatBayWa r.e. Solar Projects GmbH
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Day 2: Thursday August 22, 2024

5. Taxonomy and KPI Harmonization

Data-Informed Solar Plant Taxonomy and ML Implementation (17 downloads) Emma GossGreen Power Monitor, a DNV Company
Towards Harmonized Data for PV Systems (19 downloads) Clifford HansenSandia National Laborarories
From Data to Decisions: Digitalization in PV O&M and Insights from the TRUST-PV Project (19 downloads) Sandra Gallmetzer & Mousa SondoqahEURAC
IEA PVPS Task 13: Best Practices for KPIs (22 downloads) Julien Deckx3E

6. Agrivoltaics

APyV: Designing Agrivoltaic Facilities Considering Crop Needs (31 downloads) Leonhard GfüllnerFraunhofer ISE
Vertical Agrivoltaics System: What Solar Radiation to Share Between Agriculture and PV Modules? (31 downloads) Arthur PoquetTotal Energies
Tailored Tracking Strategy to Enhance Agrivoltaics Synergies (28 downloads) Maddalena BrunoFraunhofer ISE
Global Energy Assessment of The Potential of Photovoltaics For Agrivoltaic Applications (19 downloads) Eduardo FernandezUniversity of Jaen
Highlights from IEA PVPS Task 13’s New Report on Bifacial Tracking Systems (23 downloads) Nicholas Riedel-LyngskærEuropean Energy

7. Curtailment

Introduction to the PV Curtailment Issue (25 downloads) Juergen SutterlütiGantner Instruments
PV Curtailment Crisis in Cyprus (18 downloads) Andreas LiveraUniversity of Cyprus
Curtailment by Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors- Impact on the Financial Performance (23 downloads) Jan VeddeEuropean Energy
Curtailment in Energy System Modelling for 100% Renewable Energy Systems (23 downloads) Christian BreyerLUT University

pvlib-python Tutorial

pvlib python - Updates and Users Group Meeting 2024 Copenhagen (16 downloads) Kevin Anderson, Adam Jensen, Clifford Hansen

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pvlib-python team members

Day 3: Friday August 23, 2024

DTU Site Visit