2024 PVPMC – Salt Lake City

2024 18th PV Performance Modeling Workshop
Salt Lake City, Utah USA

Day 1: Tuesday May 7, 2024

1. Complexities in PV Modeling

Tracking Higher Electricity Prices (1818 downloads) Adam JensenTechnical University of Denmark
2023 PVPMC Blind Modeling Comparison Update (1916 downloads) Lelia DevilleSandia National Laboratories
Modeling hybrid PV/CSP/ES systems for 100% Carbon Free Electricity to Load (1761 downloads) Jennifer BraidSandia National Laboratories

2. Site and Design Impacts and Derates

Session 2 Discussion Session
Session 2 Discussion Session
Building an Advanced Soiling Loss Model with AI and Ground-Level Data (1477 downloads) Catlin MattheisFracsun
Energy Impact of Different Solar Tracker Wind Stow Strategies (1815 downloads) Kendra ConradArray Technologies
An approach to modeling linear and non-linear self-shading losses with pvlib (1793 downloads) Will HobbsSouthern Company
An Updated Modeling Framework for Technology and Market Specific Shading Impacts on Annual Energy Yield (1835 downloads) Kiran BalasubramanianMaxeon Solar Technologies
Near Shading Reduction of Diffuse Sky Irradiance and the Impact on PV Plant Performance (1842 downloads) Adam KankiewiczOrigis Energy
2024 PVPMC
2024 PVPMC

3. Posters (posters will be added as they are received)

In-situ I-V Enables Measuring Actual Power Losses Due to Soiling (1706 downloads) Josh HorstAtonometrics
Subhourly Clipping Correction Model Comparison (1822 downloads) Matthew PrillmanNREL
Seesaw Algorithm: Data-Derived Clipping Irradiance Threshold (1782 downloads) Taylor HollisHK Analytics
Spectral and Diffuse-Angular Corrections in PVfit (1693 downloads) Mark CampanelliIntelligent Measurement Systems LLC
Time Dilated Bundt Cake Analysis of PV Output (1794 downloads) Mehmet Giray Ogut (1st Place Award)Stanford University
Shaded Fraction and Backtracking in Single-Axis Trackers on Rolling Terrain (1735 downloads) Adam JensenTechnical University of Denmark
Diagnosing PV Performance with Temperature-Corrected PR (1748 downloads) Jay MillerBlack & Veatch
Long-Term Shading Impact on Modules Due to Increase in Tree Height Year Over Year Using PVsyst (1727 downloads) Stephen JohnBlack & Veatch
Modeling Challenges with Irregular Utility-scale PV Plant Layouts (1724 downloads) Shail BajpaiBlack & Veatch
Spectral Correction for Systems with CdTe Modules During the Capacity Test (1767 downloads) Bahram EmamiMcCarthy
The National Climate Data Base (NCDB): A Bias-Corrected High-Resolution Climate Dataset (1669 downloads) Jaemo YangNREL
Recent Update of ASTM G173 Standard: Downstream Implications and Future Plans (1689 downloads) Aron HabteNREL
An Assessment of the Impact of Height Dependent Windspeed on Energy Yield Estimation (1710 downloads) Manajit SenguptaNREL
Introducing the Baseline Performance Reference (BPR) for Irradiance in PV System Applications (1708 downloads) Aron Habte & Anton Driesse (not attending)NREL & PV Performance Labs
Impacts of Climate Change on Solar PV in Southern Alberta (1660 downloads) David SmithWood
Diagnosis of Underperforming PV Plants (1752 downloads) David SmithWood
Comparison of PAN File Generation Methods (1692 downloads) Daniel ZirzowCFV Labs
Optimal Partitioning Practices For Twin Half-Cut Cell Modules In PVSyst Near Shadings For Different Use Cases (1580 downloads) Suveer PanditraoStandard Solar
Spatial Smoothing Reduces PV Clipping! (1740 downloads) Tim Townsend (not attending) & Pradeep GaneshbabuSB Energy
Clipping and Curtailment: Impact on Module Temperature and Degradation (1768 downloads) M. KimUNSW Sydney
Ultra-High Efficiency Modules: The End of the Single-Diode Model? (1685 downloads) Phillip Hamer (3rd Place Award)UNSW Sydney
Mehmet Giray Ögüt and Bennet Meyers (1st place poster awardee)
Mehmet Giray Ögüt and Bennet Meyers (1st place poster awardee)

4. Modeling Snow Effects on PV Systems

Modeling the Performance of PV Systems in Northern Latitudes (1492 downloads) Laurie BurnhamSandia National Laboratories
ERA5 vs. NOAA in Calculated Snow Losses for PV (1783 downloads) Usgal ZandanbalDNV
Accurate Modeling of Albedo in Winter: Snow is an Ever-Changing Substrate (1735 downloads) Daniel RileySandia National Laboratories
Observations Snow Shedding from Single-Axis Tracking PV Systems, Implications for Resource Adequacy (1785 downloads) Ana DyresonMichigan Technical University
RTC Michigan Experiments - Bifacial and Module Orientation Snow Loss Modeling (1386 downloads) Norman JostSandia National Laboratories

5. PVPMC Activities

Sandia’s PV Performance Modeling Project Priorities for FY25-27 (1710 downloads) Marios TheristisSandia National Laboratories
PV Atlas: charting a course to geographic insights for PV performance modeling (1803 downloads) Kevin AndersonSandia National Laboratories
DOE Solar PV Data and Modeling Initiatives (1741 downloads) Noreen GentryDOE Solar Energy Technologies Office

Day 2: Wednesday May 8, 2024

6. Underperformance and Analytics for PV Plants

Outcomes of Actual Environment Demonstration of Fault Diagnostic Loss Factors and Trend-Beased Loss Predictive Maintenance for Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Systems (1684 downloads) Jürgen SutterlütiGartner Instruments
A Practical Approach to Comparing Actual and Budgeted Production of Solar Sites: Solar Waterfall Analysis (1806 downloads) Anjie JiangUnivers
Estimation of Soiling Loss in Utility-Scale PV Plants from Production Data (1832 downloads) Karel De Brabandere3E
Evaluating PV Power Plant DC Performance (1781 downloads) Jim CrimminsCFV Labs
Advancing Technoeconomic Modeling of Hail Risk and Resilience (1660 downloads) Jon Previtali and Bodo LittmannVDE Americas

7. P90 and the Financial Value of Accurate Modelling

P90 and the financial value of accurate modelling (1798 downloads) Keith McIntoshPV Lighthouse
Financier’s View on Solar Uncertainty Analysis (1975 downloads) Ken ElserWells Fargo
P90 and the Financial Value of Accurate Modeling - Independent Engineer’s Perspective (1825 downloads) Mark ReusserICF
P90 Impacts for Long-term Operators (1720 downloads) Emily GreenoAvangrid
Accurate Modeling Value to IPP (1831 downloads) Armando SolisLightsource BP
Uncertainty in P90 of Energy Yield (1753 downloads) Clifford HansenSandia National Laboratories
P90 and the Financial Value of Accurate Modelling panel discussion
P90 and the Financial Value of Accurate Modelling panel discussion

8. Solar Resource Assessment

New Capabilities in the National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) (1700 downloads) Manajit SenguptaNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Improving Performance Ratio Calculations by Optimizing Front POA Irradiance Sensor Position (1809 downloads) Damon NitzelOTT HydroMet
Introducing an Improved SolarAnywhere® Historical Irradiance Product (1745 downloads) Marc PerezClean Power Research
How much weather and resource data is enough? (1740 downloads) Laura HinkelmanBlack & Veatch
What to Consider for Improved Accuracy and Reduced Uncertainty in Resource Measurement Campaigns (1651 downloads) Annalise MillerLuminate LLC
Gap-Filling Ground Measurements of Solar Irradiance (1750 downloads) Alex BryanGroundWork Renewables
pvlib-python tutorial participants at the 2024 PVPMC workshop
pvlib-python tutorial participants at the 2024 PVPMC workshop

9. Open Source Software and Applications

Solar Data Tools Version 1 Release, Features, Applications, and Future Work (1715 downloads) Bennet MeyersSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
RdTools 3.0 (1602 downloads) Michael DeceglieNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Enterprise wide pvlib Implementation (1703 downloads) Ishtiza Azad and Andrew deRussySouthern Company
The “PVLib” of Degradation: PVDEG (1724 downloads) Michael KempeNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
A Uniform Taxonomy for PV System Operations and Maintenance Data (1950 downloads) Clifford HansenSandia National Laboratories

Day 3: Thursday May 9, 2024

10. Spectral Modeling

Module losses due to cell-level EQE variation (1713 downloads) Rajiv DaxiniUniversity of Nottingham
Simple Photovoltaic Spectral Correction Model Based on FARMS-NIT Modeled Spectra (1718 downloads) Alan CurranFirst Solar
The Uncertainty in Yield Forecasts Due to the Ever-Changing Solar Spectrum (1674 downloads) Keith McIntoshPV Lighthouse

11. Modeling Updates from Industry

Modeling of Advanced Solar Tracking Algorithms with PVcase Yield (1798 downloads) Andres CalcabriniPVcase
Updates in the Upcoming PVsyst Versions (1825 downloads) Michele OliosiPVsyst SA
Progress and Lessons Learned in the Development of the 3D Energy Yield Calculation Model (1745 downloads) Félix Ignacio Pérez CicalaRatedPower
Tackling the Terrain: Custom Tracking Algorithms in Solar PV Plants on Complex Terrain (1871 downloads) Javier Lopez-LorenteDNV
Interpolation Strategies for 3D Shading (1727 downloads) Kurt RheeTerabase Energy

12. O&M Harmonization

Clifford Hansen and Marios TheristisSandia National Laboratories

Parallel Sessions

pvlib python: Updates and Users Group Meeting (1785 downloads) Kevin Anderson & Adam JensenSandia & DTU
Recent and Planned Improvements to the System Advisor Model (SAM) (1764 downloads) Brian Mirletz & Matthew PrillimanNREL
pvcaptest Training Session (1697 downloads) Ben TaylorTailored Data Consulting
Getting Started with PVfit (1734 downloads) Mark CampanelliIntelligent Measurement Systems LLC