2024 European PVPMC Workshop

Day 1: Wednesday August 21, 2024
Joshua Stein and Adam Jensen | Sandia National Laboratories and Denmark Technical University |
1. Monitoring and Underperformance
Diagnosis of under-performing power plants using SolarGEMINI (938 downloads) | Clara Fernandez | DNV | |
Oversizing & Grid Constrains Impacts in PV Modelling and KPI Guarantees (901 downloads) | Giuliano Luchetta Martins | Statkraft | |
Estimation of Energy Losses Due to Tracker Deviations in PV Plants Based on Monitoring Data (910 downloads) | Julien Deckx | 3E | |
Modern Day Asset Management - Challenges and Solutions (904 downloads) | Constantinos Peonides MEGGITT & Solora & Ivo Stroeken | MEGGITT & Solora | |
Monitoring and Underperformance Predictive Analytics for Different PV Technologies on the Utility-Scale Level (892 downloads) | Juergen Sutterlüti | Gantner Instruments | |
From Data to Actions: Case Studies on Closed-Loop PV Operations (872 downloads) | Julian Ascencio Vasquez | Univers |

2. Modeling
Implementing Sub-Hourly Clipping Corrections in PVsyst (909 downloads) | Michele Oliosi | PVsyst | |
The Importance of Sub-Hourly Input Data in PV Systems Simulation Using Satellite-Based Solar Model Data (891 downloads) | Jozef Rusnak | Solargis | |
PV Atlas Project Update (889 downloads) | Kevin Anderson | Sandia National Laboratories | |
Meteonorm Version 9 (870 downloads) | Jan Remund | Meteotest AG |

3. Poster Session
4. PV Modeling Derates
Evaluation of Snow Losses in a Vertical Agrivoltaic and Ground-Mounted Fixed-Tilt Bifacial PV Systems (856 downloads) | Silvia Ma Lu | Mälardalen University | |
A Hybrid PV Snow Loss Model Combining Deep Learning and Analytical Models (879 downloads) | Shuo Wang | Turku University of Applied Sciences | |
Analyzing Performance and Refining the Wiring of an Underperforming Solar Power Plant (879 downloads) | Žiga Miklič | University of Ljubljana | |
Inverter Based Power Loss Detection Due to Inverter Downtime and Snow Conditions (872 downloads) | Nikola Hrelja | Total Energies | |
PVRADAR: New Python Library for Soiling Modeling (889 downloads) | Thore Müller | PVRADAR Labs GmbH | |
Prediction of Soiling on PV Sites and Adaptation of Cleaning Strategies Using Machine Learning (877 downloads) | Yaman Al-Riyalat | BayWa r.e. Solar Projects GmbH |

Day 2: Thursday August 22, 2024
5. Taxonomy and KPI Harmonization
Data-Informed Solar Plant Taxonomy and ML Implementation (844 downloads) | Emma Goss | Green Power Monitor, a DNV Company | |
Towards Harmonized Data for PV Systems (880 downloads) | Clifford Hansen | Sandia National Laborarories | |
From Data to Decisions: Digitalization in PV O&M and Insights from the TRUST-PV Project (862 downloads) | Sandra Gallmetzer & Mousa Sondoqah | EURAC | |
IEA PVPS Task 13: Best Practices for KPIs (868 downloads) | Julien Deckx | 3E |
6. Agrivoltaics
APyV: Designing Agrivoltaic Facilities Considering Crop Needs (870 downloads) | Leonhard Gfüllner | Fraunhofer ISE | |
Vertical Agrivoltaics System: What Solar Radiation to Share Between Agriculture and PV Modules? (883 downloads) | Arthur Poquet | Total Energies | |
Tailored Tracking Strategy to Enhance Agrivoltaics Synergies (875 downloads) | Maddalena Bruno | Fraunhofer ISE | |
Global Energy Assessment of The Potential of Photovoltaics For Agrivoltaic Applications (863 downloads) | Eduardo Fernandez | University of Jaen | |
Highlights from IEA PVPS Task 13’s New Report on Bifacial Tracking Systems (886 downloads) | Nicholas Riedel-Lyngskær | European Energy |
7. Curtailment
Introduction to the PV Curtailment Issue (917 downloads) | Juergen Sutterlüti | Gantner Instruments | |
PV Curtailment Crisis in Cyprus (871 downloads) | Andreas Livera | University of Cyprus | |
Curtailment by Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors- Impact on the Financial Performance (863 downloads) | Jan Vedde | European Energy | |
Curtailment in Energy System Modelling for 100% Renewable Energy Systems (871 downloads) | Christian Breyer | LUT University |
pvlib-python Tutorial
pvlib python - Updates and Users Group Meeting 2024 Copenhagen (891 downloads) | Kevin Anderson, Adam Jensen, Clifford Hansen |

Day 3: Friday August 23, 2024
DTU Site Visit