2018 PVPMC – Albuquerque

10th PVPMC Group Picture 2018

Albuquerque, NM

Day 1: Tuesday May 1, 2018

The Disruption of Future PV Developments (6308 downloads) Joshua SteinSandia National Laboratories

 1. PV Measurements and Standards

Overview of Module Characterization as Inputs to Performance Models (9340 downloads) Jim CrimminsCFV Solar Test Laboratory
Improvements in Module Calibration and Their Impact on World-Wide Intercomparisons (3612 downloads) Dean LeviNREL
PV System Analysis For Tracking System Losses and Technology Comparisons (6484 downloads) Bruce KingSandia National Laboratories
Indoor Soil Deposition Chamber: Validation of Anti-Soiling Coating Claims (9233 downloads) Govindasamy TamizhmaniArizona State University
Improvements in CFV’s Outdoor IAM Measurement Method (9431 downloads) Daniel ZirzowCFV Solar Test Laboratory
PAN Files from IEC 61853-1 Test Data: Why Using Datasheet I-V Values is a Bad Idea (6306 downloads) Kyumin LeeCFV Solar Test Laboratory
IEC 61853 Energy Rating of PV Modules - Measurement Methods and Lessons Learned (9325 downloads) Markus SchweigerTÜVRheinland
Test Lab Reports to Support Bankable Energy Estimates (6325 downloads) Peter JohnsonAWS Truepower / UL

2. Solar Resource Assessment for PV

Latest Developments in Solar Irradiance Measurement (9384 downloads) Kees van den BosHukseflux
Advancements in Satellite-Ground Tuning: DNI and DHI (9377 downloads) Patrick Keelin & Julie ChardClean Power Research & GroundWork
Update of the National Solar Radiation Database (1998-2016): Version 3 (6525 downloads) Manajit SenguptaNREL
Calibration Methodology of the University of Oregon Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory (9410 downloads) Josh PetersonUniversity of Oregon
Irradiance: What is Your Sensor Really Telling You? (9765 downloads) Anton DriessePV Performance Labs

3. Improving PV Performance

Measuring Maximum Plane-of-Array Irradiance (9269 downloads) Jim AugustynAugustyn & Co./Solar Cat Industries
Advanced Failure Diagnostic Approach for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems (9254 downloads) Marios TheristisUniversity of Cyprus
LCOE Reduction Through Proactively Optimized PV System Monitoring (9210 downloads) Joe WaltersUniversity of Central Florida
Decreasing PV Module Temperature with Thermally Conductive Backsheets (9473 downloads) Jaewon OhArizona State University

Day 2: Wednesday May 2, 2018

3. PV Performance Models

PV Performance Modeling: A 10-Year Retrospective PVPMC 10 –Albuquerque, NM (6354 downloads) Ben BourneSunPower
Recent and Planned Improvements to the System Advisor Model (SAM) (6351 downloads) Janine FreemanNREL
SolarFarmer (beta version): Accurate Modelling of Real World PV Systems (6566 downloads) Mark MikofskiDNV-GL
Horizontal Axis Trackers with Bifacial Modules in PVsyst (9747 downloads) Bruno WittmerPVsyst
PlantPredict Update & SDK Development for API (6392 downloads) Stephen KaplanFirst Solar
Dynamic Snow Loss Model and Validation (9527 downloads) Defne GunSunPower
Bifacial PV System Performance: Investigation of Shading Conditions (7990 downloads) Amir Asgharzadeh ShishavanUniveristy of Iowa
Using Similar Mathematical Modelling with Both Single Modules IV Curve Measurements and Array Inverter Data (6052 downloads) Steve RansomeGantner/SRCL
Reconciling a Simulation Model with Measurements (6349 downloads) Didier ThevenardCanadian Solar
Lessons Learned from Operational Energy Data to Inform Pre-Construction Estimates (9412 downloads) Peter JohnsonAWS Truepower/UL

4. Open Source Tools for PV Modeling and Monitoring

Accelerating PV Cost Reduction Through an Open-Source Software Ecosystem (9153 downloads) Dana OlsonDOE
Review of Open Source Tools for PV Modeling (6396 downloads) Will HolmgrenUniversity of Arizona
RdTools: An Open Source Python Library for PV Degradation Analysis (6757 downloads) Michael DeceglieNREL
Orange Button 1.0 : An Open Source Data Taxonomy for PV (8654 downloads) Cliff HansenSandia National Laboratories
SAM Open Source Project (6276 downloads) Janine FreemanNRLE
Pecos – Open Source Software for PV System Monitoring (6382 downloads) Katherine KliseSandia National Laboratories
What’s new in PVLib and pvlib-python? (6335 downloads) Cliff HansenSandia National Laboratories


Determination of Sandia Thermal Model Coefficients and ΔT for PV Modules with New Backsheet Types (11041 downloads) Jaewon OhASU-PRL
Eliminating Back-of-Module Temperature Sensors for Reference Modules Using Voc Temperature Measurement (10842 downloads) Bill StueveAtonometerics
Fast In-Field Imaging of PV Modules for Crack Detection: Methods, Results, and Modeling Implications (10928 downloads) Will HobbsSouthern Company
Degradation Rate Modeling for Encapsulant Discoloration of Photovoltaic Modules Discoloration (10894 downloads) Archana SinhaASU-PRL
An International PV Collaborative to Advance Multi-climate and Performance Research (11017 downloads) Laurie BurnhamSandia
EU COST Action PEARL-PV: Performance and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems: Evaluations of Large-Scale Monitoring Data (10852 downloads) Marios TheristisUniversity of Cyprus
Bifacial Solar Photovoltaic Panel Performance at High Latitudes (11057 downloads) Erin Whitney & Chris PikeUniversity of Alaska, Fairbanks
Towards routine measurement and use of solar spectral irradiance data (8187 downloads) Richard BealSpectrafy Inc.
The Effect of Short-Term Inverter Saturation on PV Performance Modeling (8451 downloads) Jon AllenAllen Analytics
Improved Model of Solar Resource Variability Based on Regional Aggregation by Climate Zone (10915 downloads) Patrick KeelingClean Power Research
Comparison of Bifacial Solar Irradiance Models with Field Validation (8187 downloads) Silvana AyalaUniversity of Arizona
Performance and Prediction: Bifacial vs. Mono-Facial Technologies (8254 downloads) Jaya Mallineni & Chris RauppSolv/Swinerton
Cross-validation of PV Simulation Software (9504 downloads) Anton Driesse and Neel PatelPV Performance Labs
PlantPredict: Incorporating Storage Modeling Capabilities (8040 downloads) Lauren Ngan and Rob van HaarenFirst Solar
Modeling Technique for Reconfigurable PV Module Embedded with CMOS Switches (10709 downloads) Rakeshkumar MahtoCalif State University, Fullerton
Irradiance-induced Ramp Rates in the Low Voltage Distribution Grid (10829 downloads) Kevin MurrayQueen’s University, Belfast
Optimum PV power forecasting modelling based on artificial neural networks (11063 downloads) Marios TheristisUniversity of Cyprus
EU COST Action PEARL PV: Performance and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems: Evaluation of large-Scale Monitoring Data; WG5 PV in grids (10772 downloads) Marios TheristisUniversity of Cyprus
Comparison of Cloud Speed Data for Solar Ramp Rate Analysis (11005 downloads) Braden Gilleland and Will HobbsSouthern Company