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About the Modeling Collaborative

Sandia National Laboratories is facilitating a collaborative group of photovoltaic (PV) professionals (PV Performance Modeling Collaborative or PVPMC).  This group is interested in improving the accuracy and technical rigor of PV performance models and analyses.  Such models are used to evaluate current performance (performance index) and determine the future value of PV generation projects (expressed as the predicted energy yield) and, by extension, influence how PV projects and technologies are perceived by the financial community in terms of investment risk.  Greater confidence in the accuracy of performance models will lead to lower financing costs and an increase in the number of projects that are built.  The PVPMC provides a collaborative venue for working towards these goals.

Our goal is to assemble and organize the most complete, transparent, and accurate set of information about PV system performance modeling.


Sandia National Laboratories is facilitating a collaborative group of photovoltaic (PV) professionals.

Users have access to all content, including the document library and downloads for PV_LIB Toolbox, GridPV, and other tools

Contribute to the conversation.  Submit news and announcements to the Contact Us area of the site and it will reviewed and added to the blog.

We are happy to help answer questions and share resources.

Sign up to receive a monthly newsletter so you can stay current on current and upcoming activities.

Workshops and webinars are planned each year.


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