The Photovoltaic Systems Evaluation Laboratory (PSEL) at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) in Albuquerque, NM has measured global normal spectral irradiance nearly continuously from August 2013 to April 2018. During this time other broadband irradiance measurements (global horizontal, direct normal, diffuse horizontal and global normal) and weather variables were also recorded. For this dataset PV Performance Labs (PVPL) has pulled together data from both sources to assemble a full calendar year spectral dataset for use in photovoltaic research. It is composed of eight continuous segments of different durations taken from the two-year period September 2013 to August 2015. This dataset is documented in [1].
- Data download available from DuraMAT Datahub
Reference: [1] Anton Driesse and Joshua S. Stein, “ Global normal spectral irradiance in Albuquerque: a one-year open dataset for PV research, SAND2020-12693 (15631 downloads) “, 2020.