Thursday, October 22, 2015
Opening | Florian Reil | TÜV Rheinland, Solar Energy |
Welcome and Introduction | Joshua Stein | Sandia National Laboratories |
Solar Resource Data and Uncertainty
Chaired by Clifford Hansen, Sandia National Laboratories
Spectral Corrections for PV Performance Modeling
Chaired by Alex Panchula, First Solar
Satellite-based Estimates of the Influence of Solar Spectrum Variations on PV Performance | Thomas Huld | Joint Research Centre of the European Commission |
Combined Air Mass and Precipitable Water Spectral Correction for PV Modelling | Mitchell Lee | First Solar |
Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Evaluation of Simulated Clear-Sky Solar Spectra Using Montecarlo Approach | Giorgio Belluardo | EURAC research |
Spectral Corrections for PV Performance Modelling | Fotis Mavromatakis | Technological Education Institute of Crete |
Improved Prediction of Site Spectral Impact | Benjamin Duck | CSIRO Energy Flagship |
Impact of Spectral Irradiance on Energy Yield of PV Modules Measured in Different Climates | Markus Schweiger | TÜV Rheinland, Solar Energy |
Soiling and Snow, and Other System Derates
Chaired by Ulrike Jahn, TÜV Rheinland
Impact of Soiling on PV Module Performance for Various Climates | Werner Herrmann | TÜV Rheinland, Solar Energy |
Overview of Sandia’s Soiling Program: Description of Experimental Methods and Framework for a Quantitative Soiling Model | Bruce H. King | Sandia National Laboratories |
Validation of Models for Energy Losses due to Snowfall on PV Systems | Janine Freeman | National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Friday, October 23, 2015
Bifacial PV Modeling Challenges
Chaired by Theresa Zhang, SunEdison
Introduction to Bifacial Modeling Challenges | Teresa Zhang | SunEdison |
Simulation and Validation of Modelling of Bifacial Photovoltaic Modules | Gianluca Corbellini | SUPSI |
Realistic Yield Expectations for Bifacial PV Systems – am Assessment of Announced, Predicted and Observed Benefits | Christian Reise | Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE |
Modelling of the Expected Yearly Power Yield on Building Facades in Urban Regions by Means of Ray Tracing | Hendrik Holst | Institut für Solarenergieforschung GmbH |
Multi-Year Study of Bifacial Energy Gains Under Various Field Conditions | Jose E. Castillo-Aguilella | Prism Solar Technologies, Inc. |
PV Modeling Applications: Modeling Tool Updates
Chaired by Jeffrey Newmiller, DNV GL
Latest Features of Pvsyst | Bruno Wittmer | Pvsyst |
pvSpot – PV Simulation Tool for Operational PV Projects | Tomas Cebecauer | GeoModel Solar s.r.o. |
Recent and Planned Improvements to the System Advisor Model (SAM) | Aron P. Dobos | National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Helioscope | Paul Gibbs | Folsom Labs |
Performance Modelling of PV Systems in a Virtual Environment | Angèle Reinders | University of Twente |
Field Monitoring and Validation of PV Performance
Chaired by Werner Knaupp, PV-plan
High-Speed Monitoring of Multiple Grid-Tied PV Array Configurations | Matthew Boyd | NIST |
Field Data from Different Climates for the Validation of Module Performance Models | Gabi Friesen | SUPSI |
Comparison and Validation of PV System and Irradiance Models | Benjamin Matthiss | ZSW |
The “best” PV Model Depends on the Reason for Modelling | Steve Ransome | SRCL UK |
Using Advanced PV and BoS Modelling and Algorithms to Optimize the Performance of Large Scale Utility Applications | Jürgen Sutterlueti | Gantner Instruments (GI) |
System Performance and Degradation Analysis of Different PV Technologies | Yuzuru Ueda | Tokyo University of Science |