2016 PVPMC – Freiburg, Germany

Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Day 1: Monday October 24, 2016

Welcome and Introduction to the 6th PVPMC Workshop (7425 downloads) Joshua SteinSandia National Laboratories

1. Solar Resource Data and Uncertainty

Chaired by Annette Hammer, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Exploring Calibration and Measurement Uncertainties in Radiometric DataManajit SenguptaNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Dissecting the Differences between Pyranometer and Reference Cell Irradiance MeasurementsAnton DriessePV Performance Labs Germany
Upcoming Changes of International Standards for the Classification of RadiometersStefan WilbertDeutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfart
Clear sky and all-weather global and beam irradiance models: long term validationPierre IneichenUniversity of Geneva
Uncertainty map of Solargis solar radiation databaseMarcel SuriSolarGIS
Longterm trends of solar radiationMartin Wild ETH Zürich
Comparison of radiation models generating minute valuesJan RemundMeteotest

2. Forecasting for PV Grid Integration

Chaired by Elke Lorenz, Fraunhofer ISE

Short-term solar forecasting based on sky images – Potential and challengesThomas SchmidtCarl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Short-Term Forecasting of Surface Solar Irradiance Based on Meteosat-SEVIRI Data Using a Nighttime CloudAnnette HammerCarl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
A comprehensive analysis of the sources of uncertainty of the upscaling method for estimating regional PV power generationYves Marie Saint-DrenanFraunhofer IWES
Producing a perfect PV fleet forecast – at what cost?Richard PerezUniversity of Albany, ASRC
 Grid Integration of PVBernhard Wille-HoussmannFraunhofer ISE

3. PV Modeling Applications: Modeling Tool Updates

Chaired by Joshua Stein, Sandia National Laboratories

30 years of PV modelingJürgen SchumacherHochschule für Technik Stuttgart
PlantPredict: Solar Performance Modeling Made SimpleKendra PassowFirst Solar
PVsyst’s new framework to simulate bifacial systemsBruno WittmerPVSyst
Design Optimization using the Latest Features in HelioScopeTeresa ZhangFolsom Labs
Recent and Planned Improvements to the System Advisor Model (SAM) Nathan BlairNational Renewable Energy Laboratory

Day 2: Tuesday October 25, 2016

4. Field Monitoring and Model Validation

Chaired by Ulrike Jahn, TÜV Rheinland

Determining the causes and rates of PV degradation using the Loss Factors Model with high quality IV measurementsSteve Ransome SRCL UK
Electrical stability of PV modules in different climates (Presentation unavailable)Markus Schweiger TÜV Rheinland
Data analysis for effective monitoring of partially shaded PV systemOdysseas TsafarikisUtrecht University
Validation of long term yield estimates and their level of confidenceKarel De Brabandere3E

5. Advanced Modeling: Ray-Tracing to Address Bifacial PV Arrays and Shade

Chaired by Christian Reise, Fraunhofer ISE

Detailed Modelling of Complex (BI)PV SystemsJohannes EisenlohrFraunhofer ISE
High-resolution spatial and electrical modeling for efficient BIPV system designJohannes Hofer ETH Zürich
Enhancing bifacial PV modelling with ray-tracingMatthieu Chiodetti EDF R&D

6. PV Performance Characteristics

Chaired by Birk Jones, Sandia National Laboratories

DSM Internal soiling test method developmentIan BennetDSM Advanced Surfaces
Soiling monitoring solution & field test result in MENAFred Chen UKC Electronics
Predicting Mismatch Losses in Utility-Scale Photovoltaic SystemsStephen KaplanFirst Solar
Simplifying methods to calibrate the Sandia Array Performance Model: elimination of the traditional thermal test (7505 downloads) Bruce KingSandia National Laboratories
Influence of artificial soiling on the power losses of different PV technologiesJaione BengoetxeaCENER