2017 PVPMC – Santa Anna Pueblo

Santa Anna Pueblo, New Mexico

Day 1: Tuesday May 9, 2017

8th PVPMC Group photo
Welcome & IntroductionsJim CrimminsCFV Solar Laboratory
Welcome & IntroductionsAbraham EllisSandia National Laboratories
Welcome to the 8th PVPMC Workshop (6941 downloads) Joshua SteinSandia National Laboratories

1. Solar Resource Data and Uncertainty

Chaired by Clifford Hansen, Sandia National Laboratories

Quantifying Gains in Solar Project Value from Quality Satellite and Ground DataJohn Gaglioti and Justin RobinsonGroundWork Renewables
Advances in Long-Term Solar Energy Prediction and Project Risk Assessment Methodology Through Non-Normally Distributed Probabilities of ExceedanceJohn “Skip” DiseClean Power Research
Update on the Uncertainty Mapof SolarGIS Solar Radiation DatabaseArtur SkoczekSolarGIS
Simulating High-Frequency Solar PV Generation Profiles for Large Portfolios in the SE USWill HobbsSouthern Company
Clear Sky Irradiance and Temperature Models for Mitigating Sensor Drift in PV System Degradation AnalysisGreg KimballSunPower

2. Modeling Details and Calibration

Chaired by Bruce King, Sandia National Laboratories

Significant Improvement in PV Module Performance Prediction Accuracy Using a New Model Based on IEC-61853 DataJanine FreemanNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Calibrating Global Diode Models from I-V Curve Measurement Matrices without Short-Circuit Temperature CoefficientsMark CampanelliIntelligent Measurement Systems
Single-Diode Model with Rs Temperature Dependence: More Accurate Simulation of All Curve Parameters in the IEC 61853-1 Test DataKyumin LeeCFV Solar Laboratory
PVMismatch Package for PythonMark MikoskiSunPower
Temperature Coefficients and Thermal Uniformity Mapping of PV Modules and PlantsAshwini PavgiArizona State University

3. Modeling Software Updates

Chaired by Joshua Stein, Sandia National Laboratories

PV*SOL Overview for PV ModelingSteffen LindemannValentin Software
Cell String-Level Energy Production Simulation with AuroraDavid BrombergAurora Solar
HelioScope UpdateTeresa ZhangFolsom Labs
System Advisor Model (SAM) UpdatesJanine FreemanNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Modelling PV Power Optimizers with PVsyst for Row-Based PV InstallationsBruno WittmerPVsyst
PlantPredict – Solar Performance Modeling Made SimpleKendra PassowFirst Solar
Integration of PV-RPM into the System Advisor Model (SAM) (10208 downloads) Geoff KliseSandia National Laboratories

Day 2: Wednesday May 10, 2017

4. PV Monitoring and Plant Operations

Jim Crimmins, CFV Solar Laboratory

Applying the Principles of Suns-Voc to PV System MonitoringMichael DeceglieNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Characterizing PV Modules using Microinverter DataNathan CharlesEnphase
PECOS, Open Source Software for PV Performance Monitoring (7046 downloads) Kate KliseSandia National Laboratories
Optimized PV Performance using State of the Art Monitoring for Increased Asset ValueJuergen SutterluetiGantner Instruments
PV Monitoring and Modeling: A Machine Learning Perspective (7609 downloads) Birk JonesSandia National Laboratories
The Opportunity Cost of DC Losses – Quantifying the Impact of Data Analytics Uncertainty and DC Overrate to Lost RevenueRob AndrewsHeliolytics

5. Bifacial PV Performance and Modeling

Chaired by Joshua Stein, Sandia National Laboratories

Field Performance of Bifacial PV Modules and Systems (4377 downloads) Joshua SteinSandia National Laboratories
Ray Tracing Models for Bifacial PV PerformanceAmir Asgharzadeh ShishavanUniversity of Iowa
Progress Toward Efficient Bifacial Rear Irradiance ModelsSara MacAlpineNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Performance model for bifacial PV modules (9440 downloads) Cliff Hansen/ Dan RileySandia National Laboratories

A summary of the PVLib User’s Group Meeting is available here:  2017 PVLib user group meeting highlights (7515 downloads)