2018 PVPMC – Weihai, China

2018 11th PV Performance Modeling Workshop group photo

Weihai, China

Solar Research Institute of HIT, Fraunhofer ISE, and Sandia National Laboratories hosted the 11th PVPMC Workshop in Weihai , China (second year in a row).  In addition to the technical sessions, there was an optional 2-day PV manufacturing tutorial that included guided tours of Sunport Power Co. (1 GW manufacturing of MWT cells and modules), ANX Automation (PV cleaning robot manufacturer), and GCL (major manufacturer of poly and mono silicon, wafers, PV cells, and modules).

Day 1: Tuesday December 4, 2018

Welcome and Introduction to the 11th PVPMC Workshop (5710 downloads) Joshua Stein, Boris Farnung, and Shitao WangSandia National Laboratories, Fraunhofer ISE, and Harbin Institute of Technology
China Photovoltaic Industry Development Analysis (8649 downloads) Wang BohuaChina Photovoltaic Industry Association
State of the art of Agrophotovoltaics in Germany (6179 downloads) Boris FarnungFraunhofer ISE
Opportunities for New and Innovative Photovoltaic Modules and Systems (9324 downloads) Joshua SteinSandia National Laboratories

1. Solar Resource Data and Forecasting

Advances in Solar Measurement and Modeling at NREL (9350 downloads) Manajit SenguptaNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Model of In-Plane Solar Irradiance for Front and Rear Side of PV Arrays (9381 downloads) Wang SichengEnergy Research Institute, NDRC
Satellite Based and Ground Measured Solar Irradiance for PV Power Nowcasting: PV Live (5788 downloads) Elke LorenzFraunhofer ISE
Smart Grid and Storage TechnologyShen CongBejing Enterprises Clean Energy Group Limited
High resolution global albedo data and implications on simulation of monofacial PV (9384 downloads) Marcel SuriSolarGIS
Study on the Influence of Environmental Factors on the Power Generation of Photovoltaic Engineering (5946 downloads) Hui XingNorthwest Engineering Co. Ltd.
PV Top-Runner Project Promotes industry Development (5713 downloads) Wang ShuoNew Energy Department of CREEI

2. PV Performance Modeling Methods and Case Studies

Modeling Method for Rear-face Spectral Irradiance at Standard Test Condition and Its Application to Power Rating of Bifacial PVModule (9302 downloads) Gao QiTÜV Rheinland (Shanghai)
Develop a System-level Model for Grid-connected PV stations based on Energy Flow (8688 downloads) Bai JianboHohai University
AI modeling methods for PV tracker technology (8591 downloads) Wang ShitaoArctech Solar
Differential Analysis of the Incident Angle Response of Utility-Grade PV Modules (9244 downloads) Bruce KingSandia National Laboratories
Generating Module Files in PlantPredict (9028 downloads) Stephen KaplanFirst Solar
A comparison of bifacial PV system energy yield modeling tools applied to 1P single-axis tracker system (9153 downloads) Yuanjie YuCanadian Solar
Ray tracing methodology for Bifacial System modeling: Exemplar and Validation (5714 downloads) Jefferson BorFraunhofer ISE
A model to evaluate the self-shading effect by bifacial system (8799 downloads) Zhu QiangzhongLONGI
Artificial Neural Network based Research in Bifacial PV System Design Concept (9157 downloads) Han LishengJoylwood (Suzhou) Sunwatt Co., Ltd.
Modeling of Unconventional PVs and their Standardization - Curved Surface, Vehicle-Integration, Mult-Junction Cells, and Static Concentrators (9422 downloads) Kenji ArakiToyota Technological Institute
Perovskite Solar Cells: An Emerging PV Technology Towards Mass ProductionMai YaohuaJinan University

Day 2: Wednesday December 5, 2018

3. PV Monitoring and O&M

Research on the Improvement of Power Generation of Photovoltaic Power Plant by PV Panel Cleaning Robot (5738 downloads) Wang JunANX Automation Technology Co.
Condition monitoring platform for proactive and reactive operation and maintenance (O&M with enhanced data analytic functionalities (8592 downloads) Marios TheristisUniversity of Cyprus
Hierarchical Fault Detection and Multimodal Diagnosis in Large-Scale Photovoltaic Systems (9085 downloads) Zhao YingyingConcord New Energy Group Limited
System Design and Analysis for Solar and Hybrid System (5893 downloads) Chen JianSMA China
Quasi-Omnidirectional Silicon Solar CellsShen WenzhongShanghai Jiao Tang University
Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation for grid integrated PV systems (8705 downloads) Zhang YuanzeSungrow
Finite Element Models to Predict Module-Level Degradation Mechanisms and Reliability (9194 downloads) James HartleySandia National Laboratories
Theoretical calculation and numerical simulation of power loss in crystalline silicon PV modules based on fielded degradation (5796 downloads) Dong XianSun Yat-sen University