2019 PVPMC – Albuquerque – Grid Track

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Day 1: Wednesday May 15, 2019

1. Solar Supporting Resilience

A Sunny Resilient Energy Future (9020 downloads) Robert BroderickSandia National Laboratories
Understanding the Impact of PV and Other DER in the US Virgin Islands, Including Resilience Benefits (5378 downloads) Matthew LaveSandia National Laboratories
Optimization-Based Valuation Methodology of Distributed Energy Resource Portfolios (8795 downloads) Marcelo SandovalProsumer Grid
NREL Publicly Available Tools for Resiliency and Hybrid Systems (8906 downloads) Nate BlairNational Renewable Energy Laboratory

2. Advanced Protection for DER

Advanced Protection for Inverter-Based Systems (8224 downloads) Matthew RenoSandia National Laboratories
Reliable power system protection in an upside-down world (5361 downloads) Michael RoppNorthern Plains Power
Evaluating Near-term Protection Solutions for PV Applications (8545 downloads) Josh HambrickOakridge National Laboratory
Impact Analysis of High PV Penetration on Protection of Distribution Systems Using Real-Time Simulation and Testing – A Utility Case Study (8674 downloads) Amin SalmaniSDG&E

Day 2: Thursday May 16, 2019

3. Distributed Solar + Storage Valuation

Simulation of Grid - connected PV Systems with Battery Storage (5402 downloads) Bruno WittmerPVsyst
Valuation of Energy Storage Co-located with Solar PV Generation (5396 downloads) Andres CortesEPRI
PV + Storage, Resiliency, Capacity, and Ancillary Services in SAM (5426 downloads) Janine FreemanNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
Maximizing Value of Solar and Energy Storage Installations in NY (8725 downloads) Alex HeadleySandia National Laboratories
Scale of Energy Storage – Applications and Value of Hybrid Energy Storage on Grid Operations (5379 downloads) Adarsh NagarajanNational Renewable Energy Laboratory

4. Cyber-Security

Cybersecurity for DER Devices (8961 downloads) Jay JohnsonSandia National Laboratories
Securing Inverter Communication: Proactive Intrusion Detection and Mitigation System Sensor to Tap, Analyze, and Act (5323 downloads) Shamina Hossain-McKenzieSandia National Laboratories
SunSpec Alliance Public Key Infrastructure (5349 downloads) Tom TansySunSpec Alliance
Monitoring DER Integrity using Machine Learning Algorithms on a Single Board Computer (8583 downloads) Birk JonesSandia National Laboratories

5. Grid Forming Inverters

Grid-forming Power Electronics for Low-inertia Power Systems (8757 downloads) Sairaj DhopleUniv. of Minnesota
Grid Forming Inverters in Microgrid Systems (8723 downloads) Jack FlickerSandia National Laboratories
“Tipping Point” Analysis for Coupled Inverter-Machine Systems (5349 downloads) Yashen LinNational Renewable Energy Laboratory

6. Microgrids

The Microgrid Design Toolkit (5426 downloads) John EddySandia National Laboratories
Applying the Resilient Node Cluster Analysis Tool (ReNCAT) to site Microgrids in Puerto Rico for Community Resilience (9288 downloads) Amanda WachtelSandia National Laboratories
Energy Resilience for Puerto Rico (8836 downloads) Robert BroderickSandia National Laboratories