Albuquerque, New Mexico
Day 1: Wednesday May 15, 2019
1. Solar Supporting Resilience
A Sunny Resilient Energy Future (9020 downloads) | Robert Broderick | Sandia National Laboratories |
Understanding the Impact of PV and Other DER in the US Virgin Islands, Including Resilience Benefits (5378 downloads) | Matthew Lave | Sandia National Laboratories |
Optimization-Based Valuation Methodology of Distributed Energy Resource Portfolios (8795 downloads) | Marcelo Sandoval | Prosumer Grid |
NREL Publicly Available Tools for Resiliency and Hybrid Systems (8906 downloads) | Nate Blair | National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
2. Advanced Protection for DER
Advanced Protection for Inverter-Based Systems (8224 downloads) | Matthew Reno | Sandia National Laboratories |
Reliable power system protection in an upside-down world (5361 downloads) | Michael Ropp | Northern Plains Power |
Evaluating Near-term Protection Solutions for PV Applications (8545 downloads) | Josh Hambrick | Oakridge National Laboratory |
Impact Analysis of High PV Penetration on Protection of Distribution Systems Using Real-Time Simulation and Testing – A Utility Case Study (8674 downloads) | Amin Salmani | SDG&E |
Day 2: Thursday May 16, 2019
3. Distributed Solar + Storage Valuation
Simulation of Grid - connected PV Systems with Battery Storage (5402 downloads) | Bruno Wittmer | PVsyst |
Valuation of Energy Storage Co-located with Solar PV Generation (5396 downloads) | Andres Cortes | EPRI |
PV + Storage, Resiliency, Capacity, and Ancillary Services in SAM (5426 downloads) | Janine Freeman | National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Maximizing Value of Solar and Energy Storage Installations in NY (8725 downloads) | Alex Headley | Sandia National Laboratories |
Scale of Energy Storage – Applications and Value of Hybrid Energy Storage on Grid Operations (5379 downloads) | Adarsh Nagarajan | National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
4. Cyber-Security
Cybersecurity for DER Devices (8961 downloads) | Jay Johnson | Sandia National Laboratories |
Securing Inverter Communication: Proactive Intrusion Detection and Mitigation System Sensor to Tap, Analyze, and Act (5323 downloads) | Shamina Hossain-McKenzie | Sandia National Laboratories |
SunSpec Alliance Public Key Infrastructure (5349 downloads) | Tom Tansy | SunSpec Alliance |
Monitoring DER Integrity using Machine Learning Algorithms on a Single Board Computer (8583 downloads) | Birk Jones | Sandia National Laboratories |
5. Grid Forming Inverters
Grid-forming Power Electronics for Low-inertia Power Systems (8757 downloads) | Sairaj Dhople | Univ. of Minnesota |
Grid Forming Inverters in Microgrid Systems (8723 downloads) | Jack Flicker | Sandia National Laboratories |
“Tipping Point” Analysis for Coupled Inverter-Machine Systems (5349 downloads) | Yashen Lin | National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
6. Microgrids
The Microgrid Design Toolkit (5426 downloads) | John Eddy | Sandia National Laboratories |
Applying the Resilient Node Cluster Analysis Tool (ReNCAT) to site Microgrids in Puerto Rico for Community Resilience (9288 downloads) | Amanda Wachtel | Sandia National Laboratories |
Energy Resilience for Puerto Rico (8836 downloads) | Robert Broderick | Sandia National Laboratories |