2023 PVPMC – Salt Lake City

2023 16th PV Performance Modeling Workshop
Salt Lake City, Utah USA

Note that video recordings are only available for some of the presentations.

Day 1: Tuesday May 9, 2023

Welcome to the 2023 PVPMC (5291 downloads) Joshua SteinSandia National Laboratories

1. Solar Resource Assessment

Rethinking Typical Year Data Modeling for Solar Energy Application (5574 downloads) Aron HabteNREL
QC Flagging of Shading in Ground Measurements of Solar Irradiance (5397 downloads) Alex BryanGroundWork Renewables
Strategies for Rear Irradiance Monitoring in Tracked Bifacial Systems (5462 downloads) Nicholas Riedel-LyngskærEuropean Energy
Quality assessment of global tilted irradiance by automatic and manual procedures (5725 downloads) Marketa Hulik JansovaSolargisRecording Link
An Update on New Capabilities in the NSRDB (5641 downloads) Manajit SenguptaNREL

2. PV Capacity Testing

PV Plant Underperformance from a Lab, Field and Modeling Perspective (5436 downloads) Jim CrimminsCFV LabsRecording Link
pvcaptest Updates and Ongoing Work (5329 downloads) Ben TaylorTailored Data ConsultingRecording Link
Modern PV Plant Capacity (Performance) Testing from an EPC’s Perspective (5526 downloads) Adam KankiewiczBlack & VeatchRecording Link
Outboard Pyranometer Bifacial Capacity Testing (5368 downloads) Jeff NewmillerDNVRecording Link

3. Posters (Files will be posted as they are received)

Expansion of Common Measure-Correlate-Predict Analysis Considerations: Effects of Period of Record Extension and Model Diversification (5382 downloads) Lucila TafurUL Solutions
Solargis PV Components Catalogue (5336 downloads) Martin OpatovskySolargis
Accounting for sub-hourly irradiance fluctuations in hourly performance simulations (5393 downloads) Michele OliosiPVsyst
Monte Carlo simulation for comparison of single axis tracking and east west mounting systems (5290 downloads) Phillip HamerUniversity of New South Wales
A Model for Estimating Snow Albedo Changes Due to Time and Temperature (5851 downloads) Daniel RileySandia National Laboratories
Modeling Estimated Sub-Hourly Clipping Losses (5329 downloads) Paul WolffersdorffEDF Renewables
Seasonal and weather dependency of the spectral influence on PV performance (5341 downloads) Rajiv Daxini*University of Nottingham
PV Validation Hub (5274 downloads) Bennet MeyersStanford University
FirstSolar Irradiance Shade Losses on Sloped Terrain (5640 downloads) Mark MikofskiDNV
Maximum String Length Determination Using the New Voltage Pro Application (5250 downloads) Jason SpokesTerabase
Solar Panel Cleaning: The First Step in NextGen PV Soiling Mitigation (5534 downloads) Carla DawsonSoilar Technologies
Uncertainty quantification of PV annual energy estimates in the System Advisor Model (5582 downloads) Matthew Prilliman*National Renewable Energy Laboratory
A Continuous Form of the Perez Diffuse Sky Model for Forward and Reverse Transposition (5399 downloads) Anton DriessePV Perfromance Labs
Don’t .PANic: Investigating the effects of PVsyst .PAN file variability (5647 downloads) Sara MacAlpinejuwi
A Modeling Framework for Technology-specific Shading Impacts on Annual Energy Yield (5430 downloads) Kiran BalasubramanianMaxeon Solar Technologies
Poster award winners (left to right: Matthew Prilliman, Sara MacAlpine, and Rajiv Daxini
Poster award winners (left to right: Matthew Prilliman, Sara MacAlpine, and Rajiv Daxini

4. Innovations in PV System Monitoring

Applications of in-situ I-V measurement (5720 downloads) Michael GosteinAtonometricsRecording Link
Derivation and Applications of Filtered Temperature-Corrected Performance Ratio for Diagnosis of Under-performing Power Plants (5564 downloads) Samantha WilsonPowerFactorsRecording Link
A Golden Dataset to Enable Automatic Photovoltaic Fault Detection Processes (5605 downloads) Scott SheppardTurbine LogicRecording Link

5. Modeling Tools and Software Updates

Updates and improvements in the latest PVsyst versions (5724 downloads) Bruno WittmerPVsystRecording Link
Validation of PVcase Yield - A yield simulation software based on 3D PV plant digital twins (5830 downloads) Andres CalcabriniPVcaseRecording Link
Recent and Planned Improvements to the System Advisor Model (SAM) (5617 downloads) Nate BlairNRELRecording Link
PlantPredict: Model and Software Updates (5626 downloads) Kurt RheeTerabaseRecording Link
pvlib 2023 update: pvlib-python, pvanalytics, twoaxistracking (4742 downloads) Clifford HansenSandia National Laboratories
SolarOPS: A versatile PV system simulation software (5753 downloads) Antonios FlorakisTotalEnergiesRecording Link
Energy yield modeling using the pvDesign software (5669 downloads) Félix Ignacio Pérez CicalaRatedPowerRecording Link
Workshop dinner
Workshop dinner

Day 2: Wednesday August 24, 2022

6. PV System Modeling

Impacts of Albedo Estimation Method on Energy Estimates (5621 downloads) Halley DarlingUL SolutionsRecording Link
A Model for Efficient Shading Evaluation in Large-Scale PV Plants Based in Hemicube Geometry (5812 downloads) Anja NeubertDNV
Differences between advanced and conventional models in bifacial yield simulations (5658 downloads) Keith McIntoshPV LighthouseRecording Link
PV Expected Energy Modeling (5700 downloads) Will HobbsSouthern CompanyRecording Link
Getting more useful information from modelling of iv curves and matrix measurements (5937 downloads) Steve RansomeSRCL

7. PV Data Analysis and Analytics

Comparison of Open-Source Photovoltaic Performance Models Against Multi-Year Field Data (5586 downloads) Lelia DevilleUniversity of Louisiana / Sandia National Laboratories
DNV’s Solar Energy Assessment Validation using SolarFarmer (5667 downloads) Madison GhizDNVRecording Link
Announcements of Model Validation Comparisons and RFI (5592 downloads) Marios Theristis, Cliff Hansen, and Tassos Golnas*Sandia National Laboratories and *US Department of Energy

8. Bifacial PV

Using CAD Output Files to Compute Terrain Losses in PVsyst (5622 downloads) Laura HinkelmanBlack & VeatchRecording Link
Effects of subhourly modeling on three dimensional near shading losses and terrain-aware backtracking gains (5553 downloads) Josh WirthDaly EnergyRecording Link
Modeling Transposition for Single Axis Trackers Using Terrain Aware Backtracking Strategies (5620 downloads) Jenya Meydbray & Kurt RheeNevadosRecording Link
PV Panel Variability Effects using PVLib (5666 downloads) Mike AndersonErthosRecording Link
Final Perspectives from PVPMC 2023 (5604 downloads) Joshua SteinSandia National Laboratories
pvlib-python tutorial participants at the 2023 PVPMC workshop
pvlib-python tutorial participants at the 2023 PVPMC workshop

pvlib-python User Group Meeting

2023 User’s group: pvlib python and pvanalytics (5646 downloads) Clifford HansenSandia National Laboratories